Saturday, January 5, 2008

Chen Family Photos with Grandma, November 2007

In no way is this below slideshow suppose to be a downer, but instead, a celebration of the(far too few) moments we as a family have together. i.e. Desperately trying to get Grandma to smile and show teeth in photos even though she says she's too shy and embarassed to show teeth, saying "YAY!" and throwing the "peace" signs in pictures because that's what Asians love to do, making Grandma laugh at all hours of the day, seeing how happy Grandma is knowing she has 14 grandkids to brag about to everyone she meets, but most importantly, seeing the huge family Grandma help foster over the past 55+ years through her 5 kids, 14 grandkids + extended family. Did we mention, Grandma LOVES to laminate family pictures and post them up in her living room for everyone to see?

Watching the slideshow....again and again, makes us want to laugh, smile, re-live some of those moments, makes us thankful for each other, and makes us love and feel loved in our huge tribe. The opening pictures is about 30 of the family members at dinner - about 4-5 people are missing - but the size of the family alone shows our strength and solidarity. Who wants to be Chen related?!?! Say, "YAY!!!" =)

11+ Cousins out at BARCODE lounge in Taipei

When you get all of us together - there's a whole lot of eating, drinking, basketball, jokes, being silly and a quirky kind of love that is all our own. We embrace each other, we yell at each other, but at the end of the day - it's all about living the energy and spirit of Grandpa. With 14 grandkids all together, there's a whole lot of noise and attention seeking. Since this many of us aren't together very often, here's 11+ of us at BARCODE taking our cousin ALAN out for his 18th Birthday - if you can tell, he had a pretty good time. Cheers, to many more of these moments -- only next time, may all the cousins be present together. Nov. 2007.

Newest Chen: First Great Grandkid - James Chen

James is the son of Joseph, son of George. He's quite simply the cutest lil person. Blackie, his assistant, Katherine, Patricia and me went down to Hsin-Chu(where Joseph is a Mirage2000 pilot) to go see Joseph, his wife Kelly, and the bundle of joy named James. We had a whole lot of fun playing with the kid. Gosh, we hope we get to see him grow up!

There's No Sport the Chen's love playing more than -- BASKETBALL!


While in Taipei in October, the older cousins Joseph and Blackie, took the youngin's (Jonathan, Bee, Alan) out to play streetball. Vicky, Azra, Uncle Tom and doggie Chief came to watch and take pictures! See them all in action! [Click once too see slideshow, click twice to see pictures enlarged one-by-one] Some food pictures as well - because that's what's we love as well.
(photos courtesy of Azra...Thanks!)